When God created the world
He declared it good.
But Adam and Eves sin destroyed there paradise
And they have to grow their own food.
God sent a flood years after that.
Only Noah’s family was saved.
He built an ark of Gopher wood
And took all the animals from there grave.
Many years later God sent his son
Jesus of Nazareth by name.
Men beat him and hung him on a cross
And won his clothes by a game.
Though Jesus died on a cross that day,
A tomb of rock couldn’t hold him.
For on the third day the tomb was opened
And Jesus rose victorious over sin.
He walked the streets for 40 days.
Appearing to many who thought him dead.
The news of his resurrection was greeted
By quite a few with dread.
Jesus is coming again some day
To take us to Heaven with him.
The world shall the see the truth of the gospel
But still choose their world of sin.