Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ah, Poetry. There is nothing quite so thought provoking and moving. Well, I give you a piece I made and read for a poetry slam. I ended up getting second place as well :)

One Yellow Balloon

Who Watches the Watchmen?
The balloon asked
As it floated up on high.
White string
The yellow face
With frozen
Black smile,
At the world.

Well, let me know what you think of it.

I recently got my new glasses! Im so happy, and I can now see things! Ah, its great when you can read things that are farther than 10 feet in front of you. yes, life is good. School is almost out, and I still have to take my drivers test. My computer is still at the shop (grrrrr...) but I have borrowed sisters and used the ones at school. I found all sorts of fun papercrafts as well, like the activation index from Halo, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, Timcampy from the Manga D. Gray-Man, Weighted companion cube, etc. I will post a few for you guys here in a bit. I also plan to get some pictures of my room for you all, and I hope you like it as much as I do.
I recently joined Twitter, but havnt had the time to update or anything like that. Ill post the link for you to stalk me when I start using it more.
I found a few funny vids in youtube recently, including a video series called inside freemans mind. I definitly suggest it, but the language can be rather strong, so use caution.
Well, thats about all I have for you for now, see ya later!