Well faithful readers, I finally have my room redone. I didnt mention it before, but I had to pull apart my room so dad could put new flooring in. It looks amazing, but is still unfinished. No matter. I sleep in their now.
I also am still recovering from the second outbreak of Bronchitis this season, and I pray it will be the last for awhile. I am no longer contagious, but short of breath and coughing. Will make for an interesting get together this weekend for our Remix.
I got a sweet influx of games recently, including Halo Wars, Mirrors Edge and The Orange Box. I have mostly played The Orange Box, and of its 5 games, mostly Team Fortress 2. I have had such a blast, i did nothing but play the 3 days I was sick last week and logged close to 14 hours on it. I have also played Halo Wars some with my 360 friends, and I wount be playing Mirrors Edge untill Molly Finishes it.
In Recent Halo 3 Games, I played with a new friend that I would rather never play with again. He showed me 3 new games, and I enjoyed all but 1. My favorite was the Trash Compactor, and it involved pushing objects into an accelerator so they can be hurled at the others faces. Nothing funnier than to hear them yelp and scream (No lie! Scream!) as everything from dumpsters to barrels and pallets com flying straight for them. Makes me crack up just thinking about it.
I would have a picture or link for you, but Bungie.net is blocked by my schools filters. You will have to do with a funneh picture and caption. It made me lol as soon as I saw it. Enjoy!