Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Srry I missed yesterdays post. I try to post every day, but that doesnt always happen.

Today I give you a pointer from the song dragons story of one of the Dragon Charactures, Redhorn. I hope to start on Chapter 2 soon, but untill I finish chapter 1 of Adventures 2, that time will be a ways away yet. enjoy anyways!


Monday, July 28, 2008


I know, not original or anything, but I have to get myself ready for detassling tomorrow, and must make this one quick. I did do a post though! be happy!
anyways, its just a really cool paperkraft of Wall-E! Everyones favorite little Pixar robot is now a paperkraft! enjoy!


Also, the LOLZ in corpses is from the official Corpse Alphabet compiled by the Halo 3 gaming comunity. LOLZ!!!1!!1!!111!11!!1!!!1111!!!11!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Old Stuffs

With an S!

Anyways, just a few pics I thought you all would like.

One is an amphither with legs, another is a different dragon daggar, and the third is my version of a book cover from a series I loved.

Have Fun!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Chapter!

Well, today was a reeeeally muddy corn feild. So, I came home, showered, and finished Chapter 1 of The Song Dragons. I hope you all enjoy it!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fun Fun...

*Yawn* I hope you all are having a good summer and such. Todays post is a little late, but its a good one. Its another one of my awsome poems called, Gpds Wrath, and it won fifth place in a contest!

When God created the world

He declared it good.

But Adam and Eves sin destroyed there paradise

And they have to grow their own food.

God sent a flood years after that.

Only Noah’s family was saved.

He built an ark of Gopher wood

And took all the animals from there grave.

Many years later God sent his son

Jesus of Nazareth by name.

Men beat him and hung him on a cross

And won his clothes by a game.

Though Jesus died on a cross that day,

A tomb of rock couldn’t hold him.

For on the third day the tomb was opened

And Jesus rose victorious over sin.

He walked the streets for 40 days.

Appearing to many who thought him dead.

The news of his resurrection was greeted

By quite a few with dread.

Jesus is coming again some day

To take us to Heaven with him.

The world shall the see the truth of the gospel

But still choose their world of sin.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pictures Time!

Well, I decided to give you a few pics of myself. I know, weird, but I just thought of it. Its me and my little sis playing around with our go-cart,we have a huge puddle in the streets after any rain, and we drove high speed through it a few times. I'm driving :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


well, I did it again, i got through another day of detassling. Today was a good day, and I got four hours in.

I dont have all that much for you, but I do have a cute papercraft for you Portal Fans. Thats right, its the companion cube! its sooooooo cute, and I will soon have one on my dresser. Makes me feel sad he had to die...

anyways, enjoy!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


If this blog podt makes little to no sense, forgive me. I started detassling today and am having a hard time putting sentances together right now, and am going to take a nap after I finish it.

Todays is a few more of my older pictures, so i hope you enjoy them. I have a huuuuge file of them I am still trying to scan, and so it shouldnt end any time soon.
Lets start with the random mass of things. its called random mass Confusion, and is made for no purpose whatsoever. The Dragon Daggar is the second one, the Far Gazer is really cool (I think) and the last daggar id called black dragon of the bloodstone. ya.
No real background on these, but I hope you enjoy them anyways! Now on to my nap!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Story Time With Your Lovable Blog Author Extrordinaire!!!

Today I give you a quick posting, but some fantastic reading material. Its "The Problem Within," featuring Tharen and Gargen from the picture I have in the last post, and this one.

This was my first long project, and took me forever to write. I really enjoyed doing it though, but know I see other ways it could have been edited better to make a little more sense or something. I start Detassling tomorrow, but I will try to not slow the posts at all. Its only in the morning, but we shall see how I feel before I try posting.

We had a really strong storm come through last night, and it killed the power in our house all night. It also stripped a few branches from our Crabapple tree, and knocked down a good portion of our fence. It also pulled the roof off of a birdhouse and that is currently stuck in some tree branches. An exciting night for us all.

I am currently working on a really cool paper model. its a weapon called the Casull from a manga I loved called Hellsing about vampires and those that fight them. There is also a twin, called the Jackal, which my little sis is working on. Thats about all I have for news today, and I hope you enjoy the story! I dont have all that many more for you, and I might start repeating myself with pics one day after another or something, but I hope you still enjoy it.

The Problem Within e-mail.pdf

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well, yesterday's post was nonexistent, because I went to the Rebelution Conference in Des Moines. We drove down yesterday, and got home @ 10;15 PM last night, so I couldn't do a post.

Today I am going to give you some of my older stuff from before I had a scanner. It all looks really cheesy to me now, but still look cool.

I had to pause for a bit when typing the above paragraph, because it started hailing outside! nice pea-bean sized chunks of ice falling from the sky. we wont be mowing the lawn today...

I found a really neat blog that has paper models from everything you could want. its in my sidebar for blog posts, and click on the post title to go to the Rebelution website, which has everything you could want about the conference and teenagers.

Enjoy the pics and such!

BTW: the guardians of warriors one is just....weird. I dont know what I was thinking, and thought you all might have a laugh at it like I did when I rediscovered it. The dragon daggar is one of like, ten, and the sweet dragon w/ rider is from a short story I did called "The Problem Within."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Paper Insanity!!!!!

Well, today I decided to add another paper model for you all. I know its not very creative, but I am scanning some older pictures, and will slowly display them as well.

Today's paper model is from a sweetawsome TV series called Firefly.

This particular model is of the ship, Serenity. Its a sweet model, but with no instructions. There is a picture attatched to the document, and I reccommend using it to figure the thing out.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blog Update

I just wanted to post about some updates to the site here.

1.) We now have an e-mail subscription! Yes! I hope you all subscribe and recieve the Chaos straight into your Inbox!

2.) I have a blog list which includes some stuff that I am currently reading, along with The Song Dragons blog. That one will be getting its e-mail subscription box soon.

3.) I am counting the number of visitors, and hoping to maybe add a visual counter soon. untill that time, I hope to see many people here!

Thats about it, but I hope it helps!

Pranking Awsomeness!

Well, this video is from a youth group formal night we had. I didnt make it, but it was awsome to film and watch. Our youth leader is in the box, and he did awsome.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Point...........And Shoot.

Today I offer the Halo 2 pointers for your use. There are a few more than the Halo 1 pointers kit, but there are also more guns in Halo 2. Halo 3 hasnt been started yet, but when it is finished, there will be tons more.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Prose of a Different Kind...

Today I went with something quick, cause I have a movie to go to and a house to clean. its a neat poem I did for class.

The Death of a Pen

Its a poem about a pen that ran out of ink. I actually was running out of ink as I wrote it, and it triggered a frantic search for a replacement. It took me all day, but I finally found one.

My pen has run out of ink.

And into depression it sinks.

We cant cheer him up no matter what we try,

For the ink of the pen has run dry.

No matter how hard we try to grow,

A replacement for him, he let us know,

That we shall never find another so fine,

That can draw a beautiful, solid straight line.

We have searched every store to see what was there,

The pen even came, for he could hardly bear,

The thought of an inferior pen, flowing so grand,

Painting masterpieces, and writing poems about sand.

Yes, the pen has run out of ink,

And he isn’t as useful as he might think,

But we found a replacement, a brother of his,

And this new pen would love to write a quiz.

My good old pen shall be buried today,

And his brother has told me just what to say,

“Tell them of the wondrous things he did,

And make him a plaque with good wishes bid.”


Monday, July 14, 2008

Paper Fun!

Yes, I know, paper fun is getting old, but this is a totally different kind of fun :).

This time, I have some movie/game/show themed ones. I'll post a favorite one now, and hope you all understand it. Its a bit of a challenge, because there is no instrustions, but I will post as many pictures of it as possible. If you DO make it, I want a picture. e-mail it to me @ you can contact me with any questions u have there as well.

This one, I think will be a pelican dropship from the Halo games. I have 3 or 4 pics of it, and I suggest printing all the parts onto cardstock paper. Its sturdy and it keeps its shape.

Happy Folding!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Funny Video

Today I post a video a friend of mine recorded of some other friends dancing at our school talent show to "I Believe I Can Fly" while dressed in cow costumes. Incredibly funny, and well worth the watch.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Failures,,,,,and a Sweetness

Today I decided to give you all some of my drawing failures that weren't too horrid to scan and post. I consider them failures because I didn't like how they turned out when I finished them I probably have more to scan as well.

The sweetness picture is, well, sweetness. Its a half-robotic drake I got the idea for from my favorite art site:
Her main avatar thing is a sweet robodragon, so I did my own. I kind of made him like he has gone through a horrid battle and barely survived, and so needed some mechanical help.

I also posted an update (not a chapter) on my song dragons blog.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Todays Offering

Well, today I think I'll give you all another one of my short stories. I have a few, and this one was one I did for a grade in school for a writing class.


Its a really dumb story about potatoes. I had to do one for a writing class, and so this is it.

There once was a potato named Matthew. This potato lived an ordinary life with an ordinary wife named Molly, his two ordinary kids named Matthias and Mary, worked an ordinary office job working for an auto insurance company. One day, I think it was May, something extraordinary happened.

Matthew was delivering a report for his boss, Mr. Potata head. There were four floors in the office, the fourth floor being on top. Matthew was climbing the stairs right over the third floor, when the roof and fourth floor was ripped off right above his head.

Matthew screamed, ducked and glanced wildly around for the source of this strange phenomenon. He was almost ready to panic, when something inside him snapped. He collapsed on the floor writhing and screaming, clawing at his arms and legs. For some reason unbeknownst to him his body was changing. His already misshapen, fuzzy head grew larger, his spindly arms and legs became absurdly muscled for a potato, and he turned a deep shade of blue.

As soon as this transformation ceased, a new mind had taken over and roared a challenge to the attacking force. The roof now gone, Matthew had an excellent view of his foe.

Dripping fangs, huge, blood-red eyes, snow-white fur and two gigantic ears was all Matthew could see as the creature reeled back in surprise and disappeared. A little bewildered, Matthew stared blankly at the spot his foe was moments before, then shrugged and climbed over the tops of the broken and buckled walls to help with cleanup in the city below.

Many inhabitants saw how helpful this unrecognizable blue creature was, and after the rubble was cleared, the new mayor of Rootsville honored this new, unexpected citizen with a medal and the title of highest honor, Grathengoken.

Now, whenever Rootsville is in danger, Matthew becomes Grathengoken, and always saves the day.

Uh, Yea.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pointing Fun!

Today, I offer a sweet pointer I made.

Have you ever seen a Pirates of the Carribbean video called "I've got a jar of Dirt?" If not...


It also has an Mp3 link if you're interested.




Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Paper Folding Madness!

Well, I decided to continue with yesterdays offering by posting up all the versions I painted. I had lots of fun in Photoshop, and I hope you have fun playing with them. feel free to make some yourself, and post a link to the file maybe in the comments!

Splinter Cell Spartan

Mister Chief Spartan


Monday, July 7, 2008

Paper Folding Madness!!!

Well, today I have decided to add a really fun and easy paper characture for you all to have fun with. I dont remember the original designer, but whoever it was is really good! Its a paper Spartan from Halo, and a blank version for you to color your own on photoshop or something. I have made a few really neat ones, and I might post them later today.

I hope you all enjoy these wonderful creations!


Sunday, July 6, 2008

What am I Going to Post?

Well, I really dont know what I should post. I'm debating between a poem and a picture. probably a poem. ok.

Moby Dick

This poem is one I did for a school assignment as a project on a book I read. I ran out of time and couldnt finish the book, but I got an A+ on this poem anyways.

The creak and groan of the quiet ship

Holds the soul in an icy grip.

The lanterns swing through the darkness deep,

As seasoned sailors snore and sleep.

The icy breath of the sea moans by

And the watch shivers, for death is nigh.

The sea washes the ship to and fro,

The wind picks up, the watch calls below,

“Captain! There seems to be a storm coming up!”

And the hollow sound of his step answers the pup.

With one leg missing, Captain Ahab still sails,

His mind set on a single White Whale.

As his orders ring through the night,

His thoughts secretly doom the whale that is white.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Adventure

Well, today I decided to give you all a work in progress. Its another Adventure of James and Sneis, and I wasnt able to start posting chapters untill today, and I now have the preface up for your viewing pleasure.

Its a Fullmetal Alchemist FanFiction, which means its a story about a story, or is based in it. You may not know what FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist) is, and i suggest you either find out about it before reading, or dont read it if you dont want to be confused. Its really up to you though.

Enjoy it anyways!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Stuff!

Yes, I say new stuff, because I just scanned these two pictures yesterday. They are part of my collection from the 4th quarter this year at school. A little about them:

The Gidget pic was just a painting, using my little dog. Its kind of accurate, but a few of the colors are off.

The show off one was just me wanting to draw a dragon during Spanish class. Nothing major.

I wont be able to post anything over the weekend, seeing as how I will be at a family reunion, but I will try to post many things to make up for it when I return.