Friday, January 29, 2010


Yes, I have an etsy. And Im selling things. Right now, I only have one item up, but I plan to add more as soon as I get them finished and pictures up. check out the plushie crowbar though!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh Man

Things have been very hectic recently. mom went in the hospital for a few days, but is out, turns out to be something she can handle. Dad had a tendon come detached, and went through surgery to reattach it. He has been home ever since. He goes to get the dressing off soon.
I got a job cooking. It pays well, and I really needed one. i have my eye on a beautiful gaming comp. It will cost me $2,000.00, but its just what I want. im designing and sewing a few new items to sell on etsy. Will post link soon! Sorry to cut this so short, but I must run! youth group tonite!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Snow Snow.

And more snow. And wind! Cant forget the wind! All of that together is giving me a moderately bad day. I got stuck in the driveway trying to get to school today. Its so cold, and with this crazy wind, I couldn't feel my fingers after 1 minute of shoveling out. 1 minute. Yeah.

Been having fun on Garry's Mod recently. Got the advanced duplicator and made some rocking fireworks bundles. I also found that a couple of my online friends have it too, so I have been playing with them. Played with Lapizzia yesterday, and we made this awesome NPC fight arena. I got a T-Rex to fight all sorts of things, and its tons of fun. It was quite funny how Rexy hated Lapizzia so much. The button to open the door was to close to his pen, so when Lapizzia pressed the button to open the door, rexy would just chomp him. Very, very lulz.

I have also been attempting to get some of my new NPC packs to work, but no luck yet. I just need to find the right folder to put them in...

Dad got us a new Dance mat for Christmas. I asked for one, and he said he would look. He came back a few days later and said the only ones they had were bundled with a dance game. The only DDR game we dont have for the 360 is Universe 2. I told him that and he promised to look. Christmas Day: I get a box that looks suspiciously like a packaged Dance Mat. I open it, and it is! Only one problem: Its the High School Musical 3 Dance Game and mat. Haha dad, very funny.

If you want to play Garry's Mod with me, my Steam name is sleepingdragon80. Send me an invite!

Off to find some more fun things to do!

P.S.- I noticed All I have been posting are updates, so I thought I should add a video for your viewing pleasure:

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well, crazy time has finally allowed me to post something for you all who were wondering if I was dead or not. Here I am! And with a minor update to boot!
Christmas Vacation is over today, but a last-minute sickness has kept me from joining the normal business of earning my diploma.
Christmas was great, got some useful things like a new controller for the Xbox 360 and a new Mp3 player. Its a touchscreen, and can take pictures and stuff.
Spent the New Years Day Festivities time at a cousins house, and had a rocking time!
Speedy got me Garry's Mod for Christmas, after I sent him a sweet handmade quilt and a copy of Orange Bow for the 360.
Attended a Christian 3-day conference this last week as well and had an amazing time! Probably one of the best few days I have spent this vacation!
Finals are coming, and it looks like I must study.
Untill Next Time!