Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I know, i know, not a creative tital at all, but when you dont have much else EXCEPT an update, what do you call it?

I have to reinstall the operating system and whipe the hard drive on my computer. I know, depressing, especially if you had MY computer. I wont be posting again for quite some time (as usual) but I just hope you know I am having a pity party here. Anyone wanna bring some cake? Make it grey please! I have broken noisemakers and wet fireworks if anyone wants some. Plenty of melted ice cream as well. Its so sad that its Tuesday.

Dad made me move out of my room, so almost all of my worldly posessions are in a storage closet for the next few weeks. I do get to sleep in the best bed in the house though. I love the guestroom :)

*sigh* *dejected *toot* from party horn*

Well, time for me to go move some more files around so i dont delete them!