Gah! what a crazy few weeks I have had! Busy busy busy....
Well, today I reveal a project I will be starting after I get this post done. I call it Spore Crazy, and it catalogs the journey and progress of my current empire. Expect a link to my website page for it Here.
Lets start with some basic info:
My Empire, the Banded Dragon Lords, have expanded wildly beyond my expectations. Captain Jairdo has done far more than I ever expected, and is moving quickly in the ranks. I havnt had time to give him some good missions lately though. We have been running around our corner of the enormous galaxy and subduing or buying off various other neighbors.
Now, Spore Crazy is going to be its own freeweb site. I will have a page for the number of planets I have conquered, along with a nifty spinning image of it, and a universe map with my colonies pointed out. I will seperate the planets that I inhabit into colonized, conquered, and purchased. I will try to write down the systems they orbit as well, but no real promises.
I will also be keeping track of my captain and his ship, and stats involved with that.
I hope you enjoy it!